How to Talk to a Loved One About Rehab

A woman talks to her family member about going to rehab for his drug use.

Talking to a loved one about rehab can be one of the most challenging conversations you’ll ever have. It’s necessary for them and may change their lives, but it takes care, empathy, and determination. This guide will give you some practical advice on how to talk to a loved one about rehab effectively.

The Rates of Addiction

Approximately 46 million Americans struggled with addiction in 2021, yet 94 percent of those with a substance use disorder did not receive any treatment. This means that many people who need help still do not seek it. Now, let’s start this conversation.

How to Talk to a Loved One about Rehab

Choose the Right Time

When you talk to a loved one about rehab, timing is critical. Do not bring up the subject during an argument or when they are under the influence. Find a quiet place where you can talk without distractions or interruptions.

Come Prepared

Arm yourself with knowledge about addiction and the different kinds of treatments available before sitting down for a chat. This way, you can respond adequately if asked any questions and show that what happens to them matters, too.

Use “I” Statements

Using “I” statements helps prevent your loved one from feeling attacked. For instance, say, “I am really worried about your health,” rather than, “You need to stop drinking.”

Express Your Concerns

Make it clear that all these steps come from love for them. State how their actions affect those around them and yourself, but don’t blame or shame them because we want more good days than bad ones.

Listen Actively

In this conversation, it’s crucial to practice active listening. Let your loved one share their thoughts without interruptions, making them feel truly heard. Show your support by acknowledging and validating their emotions.

Learn More About Drug Rehab

There are many myths about rehab. Drug rehabs are often seen as a last resort for people with severe addictions, mistakenly believed to be harsh environments where individuals are forced into submission. However, it’s important to understand that modern programs are built on compassion and evidence-based practices, catering to each person’s specific needs. 

It would be more accurate to completely reframe our understanding of these facilities.

Types of Treatment Programs

Some examples of treatment options include:

  • Intensive outpatient programs allow one to continue with their daily life as they receive treatment. 
  • Court-mandated rehab offers program structure instead of going to jail or prison. 
  • Outpatient care provides flexibility, especially for those who cannot stay at residential facilities for long periods due to other commitments they may have.

Therapy Options

 Therapies that can help with addiction include:

  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)  involves the use of medications alongside counseling behavioral therapy sessions to help ease withdrawal symptoms.
  • In group therapy sessions, clients can share challenges faced together and thus not feel alone in this journey. 
  • Individualized attention during individual sessions helps address specific issues affecting each client separately.

Resistance and Fears

Address Their Resistance

It is natural for a person to feel scared or unwilling to go to drug rehab. Find out what is behind these feelings, whether they are afraid of being judged, concerned about money matters, or still in denial about how serious their problem really is.

Suggest Potential Solutions

Once you have pinpointed the issues that concern them most, offer practical help in formulating responses. For example, if finance is an issue, look into insurance options or local programs that provide financial assistance. On privacy grounds, tell them that the majority of drug rehab establishments keep this information confidential.

Be Patient and Persevere

Getting someone into treatment can be a long, drawn-out process rather than just one talk, so stay calm but tenacious. Make sure you make it clear that you will be with them every step of the way, even if they do not decide to seek help immediately.

Become Their Support System

Let your loved ones know they never walk alone. Assist in researching for drug rehabs, go along during visits, or lend an ear when needed.

Push for Small Victories

Urge them to take small steps to recovery, like attending support group meetings, talking to a therapist, or recognizing that there is indeed a problem.

Applaud Effort Made So Far

Acknowledge any positive change, however minute, as doing this boosts self-belief and steers motivation towards attaining sobriety milestones.

Resurge Can Help

At Resurge, we understand that conversing with family members about going into drug treatment may seem intimidating – but it’s necessary, too. Our drug rehab offers a wide range of addiction treatment options with a harm reduction approach to addiction.

By approaching such a discussion empathetically while showing both understanding and knowledge of the subject matter, we can give hope enough for somebody to take the first steps towards improving themselves.

For inquiries regarding our services, please contact Resurge today. Start living a healthier, happier life now.

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