Substance Abuse


Substance Abuse Treatment in Cincinnati

If you’re in the depths of addiction right now, lies may be being told to you. Not from other people, necessarily, but from the substance use disorder itself. It might tell you that life will never get better; that the only way to continue existing is by taking more and more substances. Resurge Recovery, a substance use disorder treatment facility in Cincinnati, can help you stand up to these malicious lies and realize the life you deserve to live.

Effective, evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders is crucial for sustained recovery. Our staff uses tried-and-true treatments to help clients address the root causes of their substance use disorders, but we don’t hesitate to use outside-the-box methods if that’s what your situation calls for. Keep reading for more information about our facility and to see if our services might be a good fit for you or a loved one.


Alcohol usually refers to drinks such as beer, wine or spirits that contain a chemical known as ethyl alcohol (ethanol). It is a mood-changing legal drug that is also added to other over-the-counter products, like mouthwash and products to treat cold and flu.


Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that is used in many forms. Street names include crack, blow, snow, powder, yayo, and others


Heroin is an opioid used as a recreational drug for its euphoric effects and is usually snorted or injected intravenously. Much of the product advertised as heroin on the street now contains a large majority or is completely fentanyl. Street names include The Dragon, black tar, Brown Sugar, H, and others.


Marijuana is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica that is smoked but can also be mixed into food (“edibles”). Street names include weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane, and others.


Opioid prescription drugs that are used to treat pain. However, they can be abused due to its euphoric effects. Street names include happy pills, Oxy, Ox, Roxy, Hillbilly Heroine, etc.


Methamphetamine is an illegal, powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Street names include meth, blue, ice, crystal, and others.


MDMA is a synthetic drug that is chemically like both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception. Its use has also been associated with deadly side effects. Street names include Ecstasy, E, X, Molly, and others.


PCP and ketamine are a dissociative agents that are used to detach users from reality, but can produce severe anxiety, rage and violence. Street names include angel dust (PCP), Vitamin K, special K, and others.


Benzodiazepines are a class of psychoactive drugs that are primarily prescribed for the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders. These drugs work by enhancing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that helps calm the activity of nerve cells in the brain.


Addictions Our Facility Treats

Resurge Recovery helps clients using a wide range of substances. A few of the addictions our staff has successfully treated include:

  • Alcohol
  • Amphetamine
  • Benzodiazepines (such as Xanax, Valium, Klonopin)
  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy (MDMA)
  • Heroin
  • Marijuana
  • Opioids
  • Nicotine
  • Prescription drugs

Our facility’s staff also understands the importance of treating co-occurring mental health conditions alongside substance use disorder. We employ experienced, caring mental health counselors to help clients confront dual-diagnosis; without treating the entire person, relapse is much more likely.


How Does Substance Abuse Treatment in Cincinnati Work?

Resurge Recovery offers outpatient treatment for clients with substance use disorder. Outpatient care is one of two primary ways for an individual to get help with addiction; inpatient is the other way. Inpatient care means that clients live at an inpatient facility where they receive 24/7 monitoring or treatment. This level of care is often necessary for individuals who are actively using substances and need to undergo detoxification under the close supervision of medical personnel. 

While our facility does not offer inpatient treatment, we are in close contact with several Cincinnati-area inpatient centers if you need that level of care. Otherwise, we are proud to offer several levels of outpatient care that might be just what you or a loved one needs.

Our intensive outpatient level of care may be appropriate for clients who can handle the stressors and responsibilities of the outside world but need near-constant treatment to keep their recovery trajectory. Intensive outpatient clients can spend as many as 20 hours per week receiving care at Resurge Recovery or as little as nine hours in the same time frame. 

Within our intensive outpatient program, clients may receive several types of therapy, including one-on-one counseling, family therapy, couples counseling, and group therapy. Our staff is trained and experienced in many therapeutic interventions: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), didactic group therapy, mindfulness therapy, and much more. Resurge Recovery’s intensive outpatient program offers many of the same types of therapy one might receive in inpatient care. The difference is that clients can return home at the end of the day.

You may have heard the term “outpatient care” in medical contexts outside of addiction treatment. Outpatient care simply means that you are receiving care in a facility that does not require you to stay there overnight. Although intensive outpatient treatment is a form of outpatient care, our regular outpatient level of care is what you might hear referred to as “outpatient” care, with no qualifiers. 

Clients taking part in our center’s regular outpatient program usually don’t spend more than nine hours per week receiving treatment. You can still receive the types of therapy you would otherwise receive in intensive outpatient; the only limiting factor here is the amount of time. Outpatient treatment is good for clients who are in a secure place with their recovery but feel more comfortable receiving some type of ongoing therapy for maintenance.

Talk therapy is an important tool for most people recovering from substance use disorder, but it may not be the only one you need. In many cases, those in recovery benefit from taking certain medications that reduce substance cravings, alleviate harsh symptoms of substance withdrawal, or blunt the desirable effects of substances. Such medicines can help take the edge off of acute withdrawal and help clients get in the right frame of mind to receive talk therapy.

Medications that help those trying to recover from substance use disorder include methadone and naltrexone, which are often effective for withdrawal from heroin and various opioids. Naltrexone can also help individuals who want to stop drinking alcohol. Clients sometimes take these medications indefinitely. Our court liaison can help communicate with law enforcement to ensure clients who are on court-ordered treatment will not be adversely affected by taking the medications.


What Makes Resurge Recovery Different?

If you’ve read up to this point, you might be asking yourself: “Okay, Resurge Recovery covers all the bases for an outpatient treatment center. But other places seem very similar, if not identical. What makes this place different from the rest?”

It’s a good question, and one we’re happy to answer. For one, we accept Medicaid in addition to many popular private insurers to help clients meet their financial obligations with drug or alcohol rehab. We also have laundry facilities and showers with free toiletries. Current clients and alums are all welcome to use these amenities. Another way Resurge Recovery differs from many other outpatient facilities is our embrace of harm reduction.

In the context of substance use disorder and recovery, harm reduction is an intricate web of services and principles that prioritizes clients and their unique circumstances. More specifically, harm reduction is an acknowledgment that immediately ceasing substance use is neither achievable nor practical for effective, sustained recovery. With that in mind, we recognize the importance of, for instance, helping those with active heroin addiction obtain sterilized needles so they are not at increased risk for HIV or hepatitis.

Harm reduction can also show up in other ways. Our facility will not turn you away if, for example, you are dedicated to stopping using hard drugs but find it comforting to use marijuana on occasion or in social settings. We believe that having honest discussions about practicality during the recovery process is important in reducing harmful social stigmas surrounding substance use disorder.

A man participates in therapy in a substance abuse treatment program.

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We Work with Most Insurance

Resurge Recovery takes Ohio Medicaid insurance, as well as out-of-network benefits of commercial insurers. Click the button below, fill out the form, and our admissions staff will get in touch shortly. We are here to help you!


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Let Us Guide You During Your Recovery Journey

No matter how bad things might seem right now, effective treatment for subtance use disorder is very obtainable for you in the very near future. Resurge Recovery offers personalized care in outpatient settings and can connect clients with other needed resources in the Cincinnati community. Our harm reduction approach provides an innovative way to help clients in a variety of challenging situations.

If you’re ready to take the next step for yourself or a loved one, reach out to our caring staff for more information. We can verify insurance coverage before you sign any papers and answer all your questions so you can be sure we’d be a good fit. Send us a message through our website or call us at either (513) 993-5241 or (855) 993-5241.