Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Behavioral Health

In today’s world, people are experiencing more mental health problems than ever before. 

Every year in the United States, twenty percent of adults have mental health issues, and a large majority of these individuals also suffer from addiction disorders. 

Such conditions may be challenging to cure because of their complexities and because different individuals have varied personal circumstances surrounding them.

However, there is one form of therapy that has always served as a green light for those who are living with such difficulties: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Keep reading to learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy for behavioral health and its potential to help you or someone you know manage mental health and addiction issues.

Why Behavioral Health Conditions Are Hard To Treat

The nature of behavioral health conditions makes it difficult to provide effective treatment for them, including drug addiction. 

They often include physical and psychological aspects; even environmental factors can come into play. 

Moreover, there’s usually an attached stigma associated with these illnesses, thereby preventing many sufferers from seeking help.

CBT for Behavioral Health: A Path to Recovery

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for behavioral health has been shown to work wonders when it comes down to dealing with addictions and other bad habits. 

Unlike different types of therapies, CBT concentrates on what goes on inside an individual’s head about what they do outside themselves; this means its aim is finding out destructive thought patterns and replacing them with positive ones. 

In addition, CBT usually takes only a few weeks or up to several months, depending on how severe your condition may be. 

This makes it suitable even for those who cannot afford long-term solutions like rehab centers or counseling sessions.

How Does CBT Work?

The basic principle behind CBT is that our feelings and actions are not caused by external factors such as people or events but by our thoughts. 

Therefore, changing our thinking can significantly improve behavior and overall well-being.

For example, a person suffering from substance abuse problems may think that they can’t enjoy social events without alcohol.

However, through CBT therapy, this belief is challenged, and healthier coping mechanisms are developed.

Techniques Used in CBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) involves various techniques aimed at helping individuals overcome behavioral health conditions. Some examples of these techniques include:

Cognitive Restructuring

This technique involves identifying negative thought patterns, challenging them with more positive ones, and finally replacing the old negative thoughts with new realistic ones. 

For instance, instead of saying, “I am a failure,” someone can say, “I made a mistake, but I can learn from it and do better next time.”

Exposure Therapy

This approach gradually exposes clients to their fears or triggers in a controlled manner so as not to overwhelm them completely.

For example, a client in exposure treatment can start by looking at pictures of tall buildings and then moving up onto stepping out onto low balconies until eventually standing on top of high rooftops.

Skills Training

This technique involves teaching individuals alternative behaviors that are healthier than existing maladaptive ones, such as managing anger using deep breathing exercises instead of yelling. 

Others include assertive communication, which entails expressing oneself without attacking others’ feelings, and problem-solving skills, which help you find solutions during challenging moments when emotions might get out of hand.

CBT enables people to make changes toward favorable living conditions by employing these methods, enhancing their overall wellness.

Real Life Example

Let’s look at an example of someone who suffers from anxiety disorders. They would identify their unfounded fears using cognitive restructuring and then challenge them accordingly. 

In addition, they may participate in exposure therapy, in which they would be slowly exposed to various feared situations while under professional guidance. Lastly, skills training might teach them relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, to use whenever they feel anxious.

The Evidence: Case Studies and Statistics

CBT for behavioral health has been shown to be consistently effective in various studies. 

Studies have noted that CBT could treat depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance use disorders.

For instance, during a 12-week CBT program focused on alcohol dependence, participants saw improvements. At the end of the program, participants reported a decrease in their consumption rate and better quality of life.

Find a Path Forward with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at Resurge Recovery

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for behavioral health can be an effective treatment option against addiction and other mental illnesses. 

We offer intensive outpatient, outpatient, and medical assisted therapy services here in Ohio at Resurge Recovery. 

If you need help with substance abuse either for yourself or someone close to you, consider contacting us at Resurge Recovery

We believe that together, we can work towards full recovery, leading to a bright future free from any behavior-related disease or condition.